Sankt Interface | 2021


Daphne Xanthopoulou
Jelena Mönch
José reyes
Kathrine Hardman
Elsey Albright
Maria Diender
Maria Konstantinova
Maria orciuoli
Sara Koniarek
Stella Grübler
Viktöria Angyal
Bérénice Roemer
Kevin Bleckistone
Daniel Fischer
Katherine Romero Martinez

Sankt Interface 2021

This year's event includes the keynote "Eco-Visionaries" By Karin Ohlenschläger curator, art critic, and previous artistic director at LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial in Gijón and Media Lab Prado.

The second keynote "A Pandemic Crisis Seen from the Screen: Digital art and electronic literature as reflection on pandemic platform culture” by Søren Pold, PhD and Associate Professor of digital aesthetics. Expert on electronic literature, net art, software art, creative software, urban interfaces and digital culture.