Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau
The Artwork as a Living System 1992–2022

Edited by Karin Ohlenschläger, Peter Weibel and Alfred Weidinger
Link to the MIT Book Publication
300 pp., 7 x 10 in, 400 color illustrations
- Hardcover
- 9780262048156
- Published: February 7, 2023
- Publisher: The MIT Press
“More than a cabinet of curiosities, more than a terrarium, more than an aquarium”: a captivating look at thirty years of artistic work by the Austrian-French artist duo Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau.
Working at the intersection of natural science, technology, and art, Austrian-French artist duo Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau pioneered the “Art of Interface” -innovative technical interfaces that enable physical interaction between simulative visual worlds and the world of natural sensory organs. Early on, the pair used algorithms to represent not only forms of the living but also their evolution and growth. Edited by Karin Ohlenschläger, Peter Weibel, and Alfred Weidinger, this publication in the Leonardo book series brings together key works of the artists since the early 1990s in pictures and text contextualized by renowned international authors: Reinhard Kannonier, Ryszard W. Kluszczynski, Birgit Mersmann, Tomoe Moriyama, Karin Ohlenschläger, Ingeborg Reichle, and Siegfried Zielinski.
In the artists' installations, which are possible only through interactions with the viewer, devices designed by the artist couple produce novel virtual realities and immersive environments. In “Portrait on the Fly,” for instance, a viewer stands in front of an interactive plasma screen, behind which a swarm of thousands of flies is moving. Gradually, the flies settle on the shadowed areas of the projection, thereby collectively reproducing the person's likeness. Works such as these, now almost classics of digital art, open a new horizon in which artworks can function as living systems. As Peter Weibel writes, their work is “more than a cabinet of curiosities, more than a terrarium, more than an aquarium; it shows mythical creatures, artificial creatures, [and] a so far unseen panorama of imagination and technical ingenuity.”
Karin Ohlenschläger was a curator, art critic, and the artistic director of LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial in Gijon, Spain.
Peter Weibel was Chairman and CEO of ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe. He was the editor or coeditor of other ZKM volumes including ICONOCLASH, Making Things Public, Sound Art, Global Activism, and Critical Zones (all published by the MIT Press).
Alfred Weidinger is curator and writer, and the managing director of OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH in Linz, Austria, and the former director of the Museum of Fine Arts in Leipzig, Germany.
Book edited by Laznia for our solo exhibition:
"Wonderful Life Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer"
published by Laznia Center for Conterporary Art and
edited by Ryszard W. Kluszczynski is now available online !
download "Wonderful Life" book in PDF
written in Polish and English or from the Baltycka Biblioteka Cyfrowa
With articles by Ryszard W. Kluszczynski, Oliver Grau, Erkki Huhtamo, Maciej Ozog, Piotr Zawojski and Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau
Thank you to all the authors and also to Jadwiga Charzynska and her team at Laznia Center for Conterporary Art !

Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer solo exhibition catalogue
Laznia Center for Contemporary Art
Project Art and Science Meeting
Eds. Ryszard W. Kluszczynski and Jadwiga Charzynska
2012 ISBN 978-83-61646-32-7
Table of Content:
Ryszard W. Kluszczynski - Introduction
Erkki Huhtamo - The Art of Interactive Integration
Maciej Ozog - Life in a Post-biological World
- The Methodology and Praxis of Artificial Life in the Works of Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau
Piotr Zawojski - Interface-the Art of Interface-Interface Culture
Ryszard W. Kluszczynski - From Artificial Ecosystems to Critical Reflecton, An Introduction to the Analysis of the Works of Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau
Oliver Grau - Living Habitats-Acting in Spaces of Knowlede
Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau - Wonderful Life: Interactive Art by Sommerer & Mignonneau

DVD included in this book
pdf content
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and G. Stocker, Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau–Interactive Art Research (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 2009) ISBN: 978-3-211-99015-5, English, with DVD
This monograph represents a comprehensive overview of Sommerer & Mignonneau's art and research.
In addition to providing detailed project descriptions of each interactive artwork, it includes essays and articles by highly recognized media scholars and theoreticians such as Peter Weibel, Christiane Paul, Mathias Michalka,
Itsuo Sakane, Erkki Huhtamo, Christine Schoepf, Hannes Leopoldseder, Ingeborg Reichle, John L. Casti,
Machiko Kusahara, Tomoe Moriyama, Florence de Mèredieu, Oliver Grau and Roy Ascott.
Publisher: Springer Verlag Vienna/New York, 2009

(pdf content)
published in English
C.Sommerer, L.C. Jain and L. Mignonneau, The Art and Science of Interface and Interaction Design – vol. 1, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 141 (Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2008) ISBN: 978-3-540-79869-9
Publisher: Springer Verlag, 2008

(pdf content)
published in English
C.Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and D. King, Interface Cultures – Artistic Aspects of Interaction (Transcript Verlag, 2008) ISBN: 978-3-89942-884-1
Publisher: [Transcript Verlag] Kultur und Medientheorie, 2008

published in English
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Art @ Science (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 1998) ISBN 3-211-82953-9
Publisher: Wien/New York: Springer Verlag, 1998
Coordinator, Committee and board member and Jury member
1. Conferences, workshops, sessions and exhibition organisation (selection):
Coordinator of The Wild State - Kunstuni CAMPUS at Ars Electronica 2020 with 120 art and research projects
Coordinator of the CAMPUS format at Ars Electronica, selecting invited international guest universities at the Ars Electronica,
Linz Austria, 2014 until 2020
Coordinator of 16 Interface Cultures Exhibitions at Ars Electronica for students, Linz Austria, 2004-2020
Conference and Panel Organizer at
Dagstuhl Seminar (Germany, 2003), SCI2001 (Orlando, 2001), KES2001 (Osaka, 2001), AlifeVII (Portland, 2000), KES2000 (Brighton, 2000), Ogaki Biennale (2003), IAMAS Campus Exhibition at Ars Electronica, Linz Austria (2004)
Coordinator of the UNESCO Digital Arts Award
Gifu, Japan (2003)
Organizer of the ART-Science-ATR International Symposium on Art and Science, ATR Advanced Telecommunications Research Lab
Kyoto, Japan (1996)
2. Committee and board member at international conferences (selection):
AROB Artificial Life and Robotics Journal 1996, ACM Siggraph 97, AROB 99, Visual Computing Conference 2000, VIPER 2001, Interact 2001, Cast2001, VSMM Virtual Reality Society Meeting, ACM MultiMedia2004, ICAT 2004, NIME 04, Siggraph 2005, NIME 06, ACM Computer-Human Interaction, SIGGRAPH 2007 NIME 2007, ARTECH 2008, TEI2010, NIME 2009, ISWC'09, Computational Aesthetics Conference 2011, Artech2012, ISMAR2012, ACM Creativity & Cognition 2013, TEI 2014, Artec 2015, Going Digital: Innovations in the Contemporary Life Conference 2015, ISEA International Symposium on Electronic Arts 2015, CAC Computer Arts Conference 2015, CAC Computer Arts Conference 2016, ARTECH 2017 Macau Steering Committee, TRACE 2017 7th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology Conference Board, Sustainable IT 2018, the CAC Computer Art Conference 2018, RTEC 2019, International Board Member of ISEA Intern. Symposium of Electronic Arts 2020, Montreal
3. Jury Work (selection):
Sommerer serves as a jury member for numerous art and technology awards, including the VIPER Award in Switzerland in 2002, the UNESCO Digital Arts Award in 2003, the Prix Ars Electronica Jury in 2005, the IP Impulse Program of the Austrian Business Association in 2005, the Swiss National Science Foundation in 2005, the Prix Ars Electronica Jury 2012, the Semibreve Award in Portugal 2016, the Edison Award 2017, the "Outstanding Artist, Austrian Media Art and Video Award and Government Grant" by the Austrian Ministry for Arts and Culture in 2017, the EDISON Award 2017 and 2018, the IOT 2017 Conference Art Track and the MarMenor Award 2018, The Wu Guanzhong Art and Science Innovation Prize awarded by Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China 2019
Sommerer is an International Co-Editor of the LEONARDO Journal, MIT Press. Editorial Board Member, LEONARDO Journal, MIT Press, US
Book Chapters & Articles in Journals, Proceedings, Exhibition Catalogs:
2020 Publications:
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Mobile Feelings - work description, In: Ksenia Federova (Ed.) Tactics of Interfacing, MIT Press, 2020, pp.5-6.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Fly High Time Flies - Work description, In: Lisa Soyoung Park and Maurice Benayoun (Eds), A Cautionary Tale of Urban Media Art, Leonardo Journal, MIT Press, Volume 53 | Issue 2 | April 2020, pp. 135-137.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, The Value of Art - Sheep´s Head description, In: Wir Kapitalisten, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, 2020, p. 121.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Digitaler Kunstunterricht (Beschreibung von "Interactive Plant Growing"), In: Grundschule Kunst, Nr. 79, 2. Quartal, 2020, Friedrich Verlag, Hannover, 2020, p. 36.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Die natürlichen Interfaces von Christa Sommerer und Laurent Mignonneau (Beschreibung der Werke), In: Sebastian Sprenger (Ed.) Hapik am User Interface - Interfacedesign in der zeitgenössischen Medienkunst zwischen Sinnlichkeit, Transcript Verlag, 2020, pp. 123-131.
C. Sommerer and M. Naveau, The Wild State, In: Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf and Hannes Leopoldseder (Eds), Ars Electronica 2020 - A global journey mapping the "new" world In Kepler´s Garden, Hanty Cantz Verlag, 2020, pp. 300-302.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Antopolis, In: Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf and Hannes Leopoldseder (Eds), Ars Electronica 2020 - A global journey mapping the "new" world In Kepler´s Garden, Hanty Cantz Verlag, 2020, pp. 320-321.
L. Lamoncha, A. Nigten, C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau, D. Bevilacqua and G. Hörlesberger, State of Intimacy - Interface Cultures, In: Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf and Hannes Leopoldseder (Eds), Ars Electronica 2020 - A global journey mapping the "new" world In Kepler´s Garden, Hanty Cantz Verlag, 2020, pp. 304-309.
C. Escudero and C. Sommerer, Data Pollution Devices: Artistic Strategies Against Behavior Capture, In: Proceedings of the ISEA International Symposium of Electronic Arts 2020, Montreal, pp. 177-184.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Seeing Plants through Botanical Illustration, In: Proceedings of the ISEA International Symposium of Electronic Arts 2020, Montreal, pp. 385-392.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Description of Works by Sommerer & Mignonneau, In: Elena Giulia Rossi (Ed.) Mind the Gap - La vita tra bioarte, arte ecologica e post internet, Postmedia Books, Italy, 2020, pp. 138-140.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Homo Insectus, In: Jerome Neutres and UCCA Center for Contemporary Art Beijing (Eds.) Material-ReMaterial - A Brief History of Computing Art, Culture and Art Publishing House Beijing (China), 2020 pp. 58-88.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, I nterview with the Artists Laurent Mignonneau und Christa Sommerer, In: Jerome Neutres and UCCA Center for Contemporary Art Beijing (Eds.) Material-ReMaterial - A Brief History of Computing Art, Culture and Art Publishing House Beijing (China), 2020 pp. 315-320.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Description of Interactive Plant Growing, In: Daniel Hora (Ed.) Arte e Algorithmo: Uma Genealogia, Select (Brasil), 2020, p. 27.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, The Value of Art, In: DD2019 Danube Dialogues Festival of Contemporary Art, Novi Sad Serbia, Galerija Bel Art, 2020, p 61.
2019 Publications:
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Work Descriptions by Sommerer & Mignonneau, In: Ryszard W. Kluszczynski (Ed.) Art Meets Science - work description by Sommerer & Mignonneau, CCA Laznia as a Public Artwork, Centrum Sztuki, Wspolczesnej Laznia, 2019, pp. 79-80.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Neuro Mirror, In: Karin Ohlenschlager and Pau Waelder (Eds) Deus Ex Machina, Laboral, Laboral Centro Arte Y Technologia, 2019, pp. 36-38.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, People on the Fly, In: Flügelschlag Insekten in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Museum Sinclair House, Distanz Verlag, 2019, pp. 46-49.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, A-Volve, In: Historia instalacji interaktywnych/Widok WRO Media Art Reader, Fundacja WRO, Centrum Sztuki Mediow 2019, pp. 60-67
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer Installationskunst, In: The View Contemporary Art Space, 2019, pp. 44-45.
M. Naveau, L. Mignonneau, C. Sommerer, M. Jazbec, F. Lamoncha and M. Ortner, TRANSCODE! A call to fiction and to new translation processes of our reality, In: Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf and Hannes Leopoldseder (Eds), Out of the Box The Midlife Crisis of the Digital Revolution, 2019, Hatje Cantz Verlag, pp. 256-264.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Interactive Plant Growing, In: Intervention Intervencao, Zentrum für Kunst und Technologie Karlsruhe and Forum Fundacao Eugenio de Almeida, Forum Fundacao de Almeida, 2019, pp. 86-87.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Portrait on the Fly and Works by Sommerer & Mignonneau, In: Barbara Kaesbohrer (Ed.) Ways of Watching Eine kurze Geschichte der zeitnasierten Kunst, Anthea Verlag, 2019, 176-177.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, About the works of Sommerer & Mignonneau and Interface Cultures, In: Andreas Hirsch (Ed.) Creating the Future- A Brief History of Ars Electronica 1979-2019, Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2019, pp. 207-281.
2018 Publications:
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, The Value of Art, In: Dominique Moulon (Ed) L´Art Au-Dela Du Digital, Scala Nouvelles Editions, 2018, pp. 124-124.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Portrait on the Fly, In: Laurence Bertrand Dorleac and Jerome Neutres (Eds.) Artistes & Robots, Reunion des Musees Nationaux Grand Palais, 2018, 164-167.
C. Sommerer. L. Mignonneau, T. Thiel, M. Ortner and F. Lamoncha, Please Recharge: Interface Cultures Student Exhibition for Ars Electronica 2018, In: Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf and Hannes Leopoldseder (Eds.) Error The Art of Imperfection, Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2018, pp 233-239.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Portrait on the Fly, In: Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf and Hannes Leopoldseder (Eds), Error The Art of Imperfection, Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2018, p 174.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Interactive Plant Growing, Portrait on the Fly, Fly Simulator, In: Dragan Sreco, Zoran Poznic, Zoran and Masa Jazbec (Eds.) Decades - Speculum Artium 2018, DDT Slowenia, 2018
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Life Spacies, Portrait on the Fly, In: Käthe Wenzel and Mafred Blohm (Eds.) Half Life - Machines/Organisms - Artistic Positions in the Context of Climate Change and Extinction, Fabrico Verlag, 2018, 94-97
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, A-Volve and Portrait on the Fly, In: Jeffrey Shaw (Ed). Animal- Art, Science Nature, Society, City University Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2018, p. 40 and 61.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Creating Interactive Art – Conceptual and Technological Considerations, In: Explorations
in Art and Technology, Candy L, Edmonds E. and Poltronieri F. (Eds.), Springer Series on Cultural Computing, 2018.
Sommerer, C. and Mignonneau, L. (2018), From the ego to the alter ego – interacting with the self image through Neuro Mirror, Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, 16:1, pp. 83–95, doi: 10.1386/tear.16.1.83_1
Sommerer, C. and Mignonneau, L. Neuro Mirror – interacting with the self image, In: Cybernetic Consciousness [?], Itaulab ITAU Cultural Sao Paulo, 2018, pp. 56-65.
2017 Publications:
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Creating Interactive Art – Conceptual and Technological Considerations, In: Explorations in Art and Technology, Candy L, Edmonds E. and Poltronieri F. (Eds.), Springer Series on Cultural Computing, 2018.
Sommerer, C. and Mignonneau, L. (2018), From the ego to the
alter ego – interacting with the self image through Neuro Mirror, Technoetic Arts: A Journal of
Speculative Research, 16:1, pp. 83–95, doi:
Itaulab (forthcoming), Sommerer, C. and Mignonneau, L. Neuro Mirror – interacting with the self image, In: Cybernetic Consciousness, Itaulab (forthcoming), ITAU Cultural Sao Paulo.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau, Portrait on the Fly, In: Artistes & Robots Au Grand Palais, Betrand Dorleac, L and Neutres. J. (Eds.), Paris: BeauxArts & Cie, 2018, pp. 164-167.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Fly High- Time Flies, In: What Urban Media Can Do: Why, When, Where and How, Pop, S., Toft, T., Calvillo, N. and Wright, M. (Eds), Stuttgart: avedition, 2017, p. 451-452.
C. Sommerer and A. Chierico, Media Art and the Art Market, In: AI Artificial Intelligence, Das Andere Ich, Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf and Hannes Leopoldseder (Eds.), Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2017, pp. 134-135.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau, M. Fujihata, et al., Campus Exhibition - Made in Linz, In: AI Artificial Intelligence, Das Andere Ich, Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf and Hannes Leopoldseder (Eds.), Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2017, pp. 203-209.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Interactive Plant Growing, In: A History of Western Art, Tokyo: Chuokoron Shinsha, Inc, 2017, p. 544.
C. Sommerer, Foreword, In: Emergence in Interactive Art, Seevinck J., Springer Verlag International, Series on Cultural Computing, 2017.
2016 Publications:
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau, et al., Speculative Materialities, In: Radical Atoms and the alchemists of our time - Ars Electronica 2016 catalogue, Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf and Hannes Leopoldseder (Eds.), Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2016, pp. 267-272.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, The Media Art Journey, In: OS10 A Perspective of Art and Media Technology, Documents of ICC Open Space 2006-2015, Hatanaka, Minoru, Shigeki Kimura, Shunichi Shiba and Yasuko Yubisui (Eds.), NTT Inter Communication Center Tokyo, 2016, pp. 26-27.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, New Challenges in Media Art Education, Journal of Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences, Gifu Japan, 2016, pp. 13-14.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Between Decay and Preservation: A Personal Approach to Media Art Archiving, In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Electronic Art: ISEA2016 Cultural R>Evolution, ISEA International, School of Creative Media City University of Hong Kong, 2016, p. 204-208.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, The Value of Art, In: AUTOMATA - L'Art Fait Par Les Machines pour Les Machines, exhibition catalogue of the 17e Festival International d'Art Numerique Elektra and 3e Biennale international d'Art Numerique BIAN, Montreal, Alain Thibault (Ed.), 2016, pp. 25-26.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Eau de Jardin, In: House of Impressions: Classic Contemporary Media Art exhibition catalogue, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, 2016, pp. 22-23.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Artists in Focus, PLUNC 2 - Digital Art and New Media Festival catalogue, Carlos Ramos, Rita Sa and Nuno Correia (Ed), PLUNC Associacao Cultural, 2016
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Portrait on the Fly, In: Kunstforum International Band 237 Bechtloff, Dieter (Ed), 2016, p. 127.
U. Brandstätter and C. Sommerer, 2016, Productive Gaming, In: ICEC2016 15th IFIP TC 14 International Conference on Entertainment Computing Proceedings, Wallner, Günter Kriglstein, Simone Hlavacs, Helmut Malaka, Rainer Lugmayr, Artur Yang, Hyun-Seung (Eds), 2016, 260-265.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, A personal media art archive based on the symbol of the fly, In: Archiving and Questioning Immateriality, Everardo Reyes-Garcia, Pierre Chatel-Innocenti, Khaldoun Zreik (Eds.), Universite Paris 8, 2016, pp. 87-90.
U. Brandstätter, M. Brandtstätter and C. Sommerer, Gears for Audio Visual Composition, In: Proceedings of the Audio Mostly 2016 Conference, ACM Digital Library, 2016.
2015 Publications:
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Portrait on the Fly, In: Art Futura 2015 - Inteligencia Colectiva/Collective Intelligence, Algora, Montxo (Ed.), a minima:: 2015, p. 23.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Living Poetry, In: Artificial Life Journal, Special Issue on Art and Creativity, Dorin, Alain (Ed.), Vol. 21/3, MIT Press, 2015, pp. 313-319.
C. Sommerer, U. Brandstätter and L. Mignonneau, Interface-Centric Art-Games, In: Handbook of Digital Games and Entertainment Technologies, Ryohei Nakatsu, Matthias Rauterberg and Paolo Ciancarini (Eds.) Spinger Verlag, Singapore, 2015.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and F. Weil, Human to Plant Interaction – Connecting Real Plants to Computers in Media Art, In:: Green Thread: The Aesthetics of Plant Agency, Eds. Patricia Vieira, John Ryan and Monica Gagliano, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015, 233-254.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Art as a Living System (Excerpts), In: Systems - Documents of Contemporary Art Series, Edward A. Shanken (Ed.), Whitechapel Gallery Ventures Limited, The MIT Press, 2015, 172-175.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Portrait on the Fly, In: Post City - Habitats for the 21st Century Ars Electronica 2015, Hantje Cantz Verlag, Stocker, Gerfried, Schöpf, Christine and Leopoldeseder, Hannes, (Eds.), Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2015, pp. 192.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau et al., Post-Post, In: Post City - Habitats for the 21st Century Ars Electronica 2015, Hantje Cantz Verlag, Stocker, Gerfried, Schöpf, Christine and Leopoldeseder, Hannes, (Eds.), Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2015, pp. 234-238.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, The Value of Art– Transforming User Attention into Monetary Value in a Series of Interactive Artworks, In: ISEA2015 Proceedings of the 21st international Symposium of Electronic Art, Simon Fraser University Vancouver, 2015.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, The Value of Art, In: ISEA2015 Disruption Artistic Program, New Forms Art Press, Vancouver, 2015, p. 46.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Portrait on the Fly, In: ISMAR 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality Exhibition, Stadon Julian (Ed.), 2015, pp. 51-53.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Portrait on the Fly, In: What's Next – Wiener Wunderkammer catalogue, Christoph Überhuber, (Ed.), TU Technische Universität Wien, 2015, pp. 82-83.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Cultural Interfaces in Art and Design, In: Going Digital: Innovations in the Contemporary Life, Conference Proceeding, Ružica Bogdanovi? (Ed.), Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2015, pp. 23-29.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Portrait on the Fly, In: Art Futura 2015 - Inteligencia Colectiva/Collective Intelligence, Algora, Montxo Algora (Ed.), a minima:, Spain, 2015, p. 23.
2014 Publications
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Shanghai Express - SHANGHAI Express – Interactive Travel through Computer Generated Cityscapes, In: ISEA 2014 - The 20th International Symposium on Electronic Art - Book of Abstracts, Zayed University (Arab Emirates), ISEA 2014, pp, 118-119
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Excavate, In:17th Japan Media Arts Festival - Award Winning Works, Japan Media Arts Festival (Japan), 2014, p. 51.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Shanghai Express, In: Design Shanghai - 2013 Aesthetics City, Hang, Jian (Ed.), Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles (China), 2014, p. 31.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Life Writer, In: The Global Art Compass, Hicks, Alistair (Ed.), T, 2014, p.60.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Shanghai Express, In: Design Analysis, Shangda Press (China), 2014, p. 60.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau, M. Kaltenbrunner, M. Ortner, M. and Gupfinger R.,10 Years Interface Cultures, In: C...What It Takes to Change, Ars Electronica 2014, Stocker, Gerfried, Schöpf, Christine and Leopoldeseder, Hannes, (Eds.), Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2014, pp. 132-137.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Descriptions of Interactive Plant Growing by Sommerer & Mignonneau, In: Moderne KUNST - Zugänge zu ihrem Verständnis Schülerbuch Gymnasiale Oberstufe ab Klasse 10, Kirschenmann, Johannes
Schulz, Frank (Eds.), Klett Verlag, 2014, p. 244.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Descriptions of Eau de jardin by Sommerer & Mignonneau, In: Open Innovations Forum Moscow, Shishko, Olga (Ed.),
MEH Manege Russia, 2014, p. 64-65.
2013 Publications
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, The Value of Art, In: Sammlung Haupt - Dreißig Silberlinge-Kunst und Geld, Büchner, Hermann and Sauerländer, Tina (Eds.), Braus Verlag,
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Phototropy, In: Project Daejeon2912: Energy, Daejeon, Museum of Art, MinKyung, Kim (Ed.) Kyung Hang Art Co. Korea, 2013, pp. 48-51
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Descriptions of works by Sommerer & Mignonneau, In: Relive - Media Art Histories, Cubitt, Sean and Thomas, Paul (Eds.), MIT Press, 2013, pp. 68.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, Descriptions of works by Sommerer & Mignonneau, In: Aesthetics if Interaction in Digital Art, Kwastek, Katja, MIT Press, 2013, p. 31.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, The Value of Art, In: The Global Contemporary and the Rise of New Art Worlds, Belting, Hans, Buddensieg, Andrea and Weibel, Peter (Eds.) MIT Press, p. 427
C. Sommerer, Mobile Art: Communication Technologies Applied to Interactive Art, In: InfoTech 2013 BIT's 2nd Annual World Congress of Emerging InfoTech-2013 proceedings, Ministry of Commerce of People's Republic of China, Minstry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, 2013, p. 56.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Description of Nano Scape, In: Nano Art - The Materiality of Art, Thomas, Paul (Ed.), Intellect Ltd, 2013, p. 47-49.
C. Sommerer, Foreword, In: Artcare - Interactive Art and Health Care, Brandstätter, Ulrich (Ed.), Akademiker Verlag, 2013.
C. Sommerer, Interface Culture - University of Art and Design Linz, In: Speculum Artium 2013, Jazbec, Masa, Poznic, Zoran and Sreco, Dragan (Eds.), Delavski Dom Trbovlje, 2013.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Life Writer, In: SHOW OFF No. 8 Paris, de Bonnecaze, Victor, Quang, Vanessa and Moulon, Dominique (Eds.), 2013, pp. 94-95
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau, M. Kaltenbrunner, M. Ortner, M. Brandtstätter, G. Russegger,
Use at your own risk - Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica 2013, In: Ars Electronica 2013 Total Recall - The Evolution of Memory, Leopoldeseder, Hannes, Stocker, Gerfried and Schöpf, Christine (Eds.), Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2013, pp. 214-221
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Interactive Plant Growing, In: Annual Bulletin of Class 2012, Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Nagoya University, 2013
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Descriptions of Works by Sommerer&Mignonneau, In: Arte, Ciencia e Tecnologia, Domingues, Diana (Ed). Itaú Cultural, 2013, pp.132-133.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, Descriptions of Works by Sommerer&Mignonneau, In: L'Art Génératif - Jouer a Dieu...un droit ? un devoir ?, Berger, Pierre and Lioret, Alain (Ed.),
L'Harmattan, 2013, pp. 63-243.
2012 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing” In: NATURE, Ed. Kastner, Jeffrey, MIT Press, 2012, 67.
A. Takahashi, C. Sommerer, K. Tanaka, “Kcanvas: An Application for Creative Personal Knowledge Management,” In: VSMM2012, 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, IEEE Advanced Technology for Humanity, 2012, 629-832.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, “Escape,” In: Art and Science - A Works Collection of the 3rd Art and Science Works International Exhibition, Ed. Tsinghua University and Science and Technology Museum Bejing China, 2012, 44-45.
C. Sommerer, “Kunst und Natur,” In: Mein erstes Kunsterlebnis, Ed. Wachter, Cornel, Seemann Verlag, 2012, 138.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau, M. Kaltenbrunner, M. Ortner, M. Hochrieser, G. Russegger et al, “Interface Cuisine - Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica 2012,” In: Ars Electronica 2012 The Big Picture Weltbilder fuer die Zukunft, Ed. Leopoldseder, Johannes, Stocker, Gerfried and Schöpf Christine, Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2012, 316-325.
K. Federova, F. Raby, C. Sommerer, J. Watanabe, M. Yeregui, “Parallel Fictional Spaces/Fiktive Paralleluniversen,” In: CyberArts 2012 International Compendium Prix Ars Electronica 2012, Eds. Leopoldseder, Hannes Schöpf, Christine and Stocker, Gerfried, Hatje Cantz, 2012,148-155.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Spacies II” In: VIDA: Arte y Vida Artificial 1999-2012, Ed. Ohlenschläger, Karin, Fundacion Telefonica (Spanien), 2012, 38-39.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Schall und Rauch” In: Staub – Dust, Ed. Parkhomenko, Daria, Mraz, Simon, Laboratoria Art & Science Space Moscow, 2012, 80-81.
C. Sommerer, “Interface Cultures Lab und der Oesterreichische Skulpturenpark,” In: Oesterreichischer Skulpturenpark, Ed. Fiedler, Elisabeth, 2012, 4-11.
2011 Publications
Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Solo Show, In: THE VIEW Contemporary Art Space, 2012
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau’s Nanoscape in "Mutable Matter: Using Sensory Methods in Public Engagement with Nanotechnology by Last, Angela, LEONARDO Journal MIT Press, 2012, 134.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, “Life Writer” In: Jäger und Gejagte, Ed. Dathe, Stefanie, Biberacher Verlagsdruckerei, 2012, 88-89.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, “Life Writer” In: Kunstforum International, Ed. Weibel, Peter, Kunstforum International, 2011, 214-216.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve, Life Spacies and Interactive Plant Growing”, In: Digital Art, Ed. Paul, Christiane, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2011, 141-143.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau, M. Kaltenbrunner, M. Ortner, M. Hochrieser, G. Russegger et al., “Unuselessness - the useful useless,” In: Ars Electronica 2011 Origin: wie alles beginnt, Ed. Leopoldseder, Johannes, Stocker, Gerfried and Schöpf Christine, Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2011, 240-245.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Cultural Inerfaces: Interaction Revisited,” In: Imagery in the 21st Century, Eds. Grau, Oliver and Veigl, Thomas, MIT Press, 2011, 201-218.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Mobile Feelings,” In: Art Focus for Technologies: Charm and Challenge, NCCA, National Center for Contemporary Art Russia, 2011, 24-27.
Ross, Christine, C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau’s Work in “Spatial Politics: The (non) destinations of augmented reality art (part II), In: Afterimage - The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism, Afterimage Visual Studies Workshop New York, 2011,16-20.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Writer,” In: Biomorph! Hans Arp in a dialogue with current positions in art, Ed. Kornhoff, Oliver, Strelow, Heike, vonAsten, Astrid, Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, 2011, 108-109.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Writer,” In: Dynamic [in] Position, Ed. Ars, Electronica fmx, Festival de Mexico, Arte Alameda (Mexico), 2011, 142-147.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” In: Art contemporain nouveaux medias, Ed. Moulon, Dominique, Nouvelles Editions Scala France, 2011, 6-7.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Mobile Feelings,” In: Screen/Space-The projected image in contemporary art, Ed. Trodd, Tamara, Manchester University Press, 2011, 200-
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Phototropy and Interactive Plant Growing,” In: Living Art, Ed. Aziosmanoff, Florent, 2011, CNRS Editions France, 2011, 63-64.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Mobile Feelings,” In: Extimita, Ed. Pau, Waelder,
EsBaluard, Museu d'Art Moderne i Contemporani de Palma, EsBaluard Museu d'art moderne i contemporani de palma Spain, 2011, 80-85.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Mobile Feelings: Wireless Cummunication of Heartbeat and Breath for Mobile Art,” In: The Mobile Audience: Media Art and Mobile Technologies, Ed. Rieser, Martin, Rodopi B.V. Editions Amsterdam, 2011, 269-276.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, “Life Writer,” In: 4th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Ed. Backstein, Joseph and Weibel, Peter, Institute of Contemporary Art Moscow, 2011, 166-167.
C. Sommerer, “Foreword, In: Japanese Spell in Electronic Art, Ed. Arrighi, Mauro, Charleston, 2011, 6-7.
2010 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Nano Scape,” In: Art in the Age of Nanotechnolog, Ed. Dawkins, Ursula, Art Monthly, Australia, 2010, 20.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Magic Eye - Dissolving Borders,” In: Centenario Exposicion Internacional, Ed. Ivelic, Milan, Museo de Bellas Arte, Santiago de Chile, 2010,
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing and Transplant,” In:
The Technological Herbarium, Ed. Gatti, Gianni Maria, Avinus Verlag, Germany, 2010, 182-194.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Writer,” In: Art + Science, Ed. Wilson, Stephen
Thames & Hudson, London, 2010, 158-162.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau “Künstlerische Interface für den öffentlichen Raum,” In: Digital Art - Neue Wege in der Kunst, Ed. Lieser, Wolf, h.f.fullmann, Tandem Verlag, 2010, 244-245.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” In: Art, Museums and Touch, Ed. Candlin, Fiona, Manchester University Press, 2010, 182-194.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Spacies II,” In: Aesthetics of Digital Fine Arts,
Ed. Erohin, S.V., Aletheia (Russia), 2010, 217.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, “Life Writer,” In: Roboterträume, Museum Tinguely Basel, Kunsthaus Graz, Kehrer Verlag, 2010, 132-133.
L. Mignonneau and C. Sommerer, “Life Writer,” In: Experimenta: Utopia Now - Intern. Biennial of Media Art, Experimenta Media Arts, Melbourne Australia, 2010, 33.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Nano Territory,” In: Nano-Transformant el Mon Amb la Nanotecnociencia, Universitat de Valencia, Methode No. 65, 2010, 58.
Ellen K. Levy, C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau’s work in “Classifying Kubler: Between the Complexity of Science and Art, In: Art Journal, College Art Association New York, 2010, 88-98.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve,” In: The Origins of Media Art, Itsuo Sakane,
Kousakusha Publisher Tokyo, 2010, 270-272
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Nano Scape,” In: Art in the Age of Nanotechnology, Ed. Chris Malcom, John Curtin Gallery, 2010, 34-37.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Writer,” In: Play Admont, Eds.
Michael Braunsteiner, Christine Peters, (Benediktinerstift Admont,) 2010, 50-51.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “The Value of Art, “ In: Beyond Mediations Poznan Biennial of Art, Eds. Kluszcynski, Ryszard, Mizusawa, Tsutomu, 2010, 108-109/
2009 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Designing Interfaces for Interactive Artworks,” in Art and Electronic Media, ed. E. A. Shanken (Phaidon Press, 2009), 254-255.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Writer,” in Enter Action – Digital Art Now, Aarhus Kunstmuseum catalog, ed. P.T. Dinesen et al. (AROS Kunstmuseum, 2009), 72-75.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Creating Artistic Interaction Experiences,” in Coded Cultures – Exploring Creative Emergencies, ed. G. Russegger et al. (Vienna: 2009), 50-53.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Phototropy”, in Science as Suspense, ed. I. Aktuganova and D. Bulatov, (Moscow:Dynasty Foundation, 2009), 54-55.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “The Secret Life Of …,” in Net.Culture.Space – Raum für Digitale Kultur (Vienna: Telecom Austria with Ars Electronica, 2009) 28-29.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and M. Shamiyeh, “Solar Display: a self-powered media façade,” in New Realities: Being Syncretic, Consciousness Reframed: The Planetary Collegium’s IXth International Research Conference, ed. R. Ascott, G. Bast and W. Fiel (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 2009), 271-275.
2008 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Media Facades as Architectural Interfaces,” in The Art and Science of Interaction and Interface Design, vol. 1, ed. C. Sommerer, L.C. Jain and L. Mignonneau (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 2008), 91-102.
C. Sommerer, L.C. Jain, and L. Mignonneau, “Introduction to the Art and Science of Interaction and Interface Design,” in The Art and Science of Interaction and Interface Design, vol. 1, ed. C. Sommerer, L.C. Jain and L. Mignonneau (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 2008), 1-14.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Writer,” in Genesis – Die Kunst der Schöpfung – The Art of Creation,exhibition catalog, ed. F. Eggelhöfer (Bern: Zentrum Paul Klee, 2008), 41-42.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Writer,” in YOUniverse Biennial of Contemporary Art of Sevilla (BIACS), ed. P. Weibel, W. Rhee and M.A. Brayer (Seville: Fundacion BIACS, 2008), 268-269.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Writer,” in Turn and Widen – The 5th Seoul International Media Art Biennale (Seoul: Seoul Museum of Art, 2008), 140-141.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau, D. Offenhuber and M. Ortner, “Art on the Move,” in Ars Electronica 2008 – A New Cultural Economy, ed. G. Stocker and C. Schoepf (Ostfildern-Ruit: Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2008), 182-191.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interface Cultures – Artistic Aspects of Interaction,” in Interface Cultures – Artistic Aspects of Interaction, ed. C.Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and D. King (Transcript Verlag, 2008), 9-17.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interface Cultures,” in CU/CM La Citta dell Uomo, 11. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura (Venice: 2008), 16-17.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Writer,” in Genesis – Life at the End of the Information Age, exhibition catalog, ed. Emilie Gomart (Utrecht: Centraal Museum, April 2007).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Living Algorithms,” D’ARS – Periodico Trimestrale di Cultura e Comuni Cazione Visiva, vol. 48, no. 193, (Milan: March 2008): 46-49.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “VERBARIUM,” in Art et Internet, Immaginaire Mode d’Emploi, ed. F. Forest (Paris: Editions Cercle d’Art, 2008), 90-91.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “HAZE Express,” in Art et Energies, Immaginaire Mode d’Emploi, ed. L. Richard (Paris: Editions Cercle d’Art, 2008), 66-69.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve and Interactive Plant Growing,” in Arts Numeriques: Tendances, Artistes, Lieux & Festivals (Paris: M21 Editions, 2008), 67.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Mobile Feelings,” in No Such Thing (Berlin: Media Arts Lab/Künstlerhaus Bethanien, 2008), 71-75.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Silent Dialogue, ed. M. Hatanaka et al. (Tokyo: NTT Publishing Co., 2008), 85-87.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Architektur des Wissens – Bildungsräume im Informationszeitalter, ed. M. Scheibel (Munich: Kopaed, 2008), 39-41.
C. Sommerer, “Interfaces para destruir fronteras,” Elniuton, vol. 241, no. 1 (Spain: 2008): 28-30.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Pairing Arts and Technology,” in Artists in Residence 1996-2007, ed. T. Yokoyama – IAMAS Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (Ogaki, Japan: CMC Center for Media Culture, 2008), 34-35.
T. Martins, N. Correia, C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Ubiquitous Gaming Interaction: Engaging Play Anywhere,” in The Art and Science of Interface and Interaction Design, ed. C. Sommerer, L. Jain, and L. Mignonneau (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 2008), 115-130.
T. Martins, T. Romão, C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and N. Correia, “Towards an Interface for Untethered Ubiquitous Gaming,” in Proceedings of the ACM-SIGCHI International Conference on Advance in Computer Entertainment (ACE ’08), full paper (Yokohama, Japan: December 2008), 26-33.
T. Martins, C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and N. Correia, “Noon – A Secret Told by Objects,” in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Arts, Artech ’08, poster (Porto, November 2008).
T. Martins, N. Correia, T. Romão, C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Usability Study of the Gauntlet Wearable Interface,” in Proceedings of the 3rd Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Máquina /Interacção ’08, short paper (Évora, Portugal: October 2008).
T. Martins, C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and N. Correia, “Gauntlet: A Wearable Interface for Ubiquitous Gaming,” in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services/Mobile HCI ’08, short paper (Amsterdam: September 2008).
T. Kirton, H. Ogawa, C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “PINS: A Prototype Model towards the Definition of Surface Games,” in ACM Multimedia Conference Proceedings (Vancouver: 2008).
2007 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Cultural Aspects of Interface Design,” in Tensions and Convergences – Technological and Aesthetic Transformations of Society, ed. R. Heil et al. (Transcript Verlag, 2007), 105-116.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and D. Gestrich, “Hybrid Interfaces and Physical Computing,” in Ars Electronica 2007, ed. G. Stocker and C. Schoepf (Ostfildern-Ruit: Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2007), 234-243.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and D. Gestrich, “Interface Culture,” in In acar2: from artefact to actefact (Basel: Verlag HyperWerk, 2007).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Writer,” in Feedback: Art Responsive to Instruction, Input, or its Environment, ed. A.B.D de Corral et al. (LABoral Centro de Arte y Creacion Industrial, 2007), 116-119.
T. Martins, C. Heidecker, C. Sommerer and N. Correia, “Designing a Wearable Interface for Pervasive Games,” in Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Pervasive Gaming Applications (Salzburg: June 2007).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Spacies II,” in Speculative Data and the Creative Imaginary – shared visions between art and Technology, ed. P. Jennings (Washington: National Academy of Science, 2007), 36-37.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Genesis – Life at the End of the Information Age, ed. P. Tereehorst and E. Gomart (Utrecht: Centraal Museum, 2007), 91-97.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Just Use It!, ed. A. K. Hofbauer (Aalborg, Denmark: Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, June 2007), 24-27.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “From the Poesy of Programming to Research as Art Form” in Aesthetic Computing, ed. P. Fishwick (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007), 170-183.
2006 Publications
J. P. Boon, J. Casti , C. Djerassi, J. Johnson, A. Lovett, T. Norretranders, V. Patera, C. Sommerer, R. Taylor and S. Thurner, “A concrete example –When the cracks begin to show.” NATURE, vol. 444 (2 November 2006).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Tangible, Audible, Playable, Wearable – Interface Culture Student Works at Ars Electronica 2006,” in Simplicity – the Art of Complexity Ars Electronica 2006, ed. G. Stocker and C. Schoepf (Ostfildern-Ruit: Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2006), 234-243.
C. Sommerer, “Media Art from the Guest Country,”in ARCO 2006 25th Anniversary of Madrid’s International Contemporary Art Fair (Madrid: Asociacion Amigos de ARCO, 2006), 62-65.
C. Sommerer, “Interactive Systems in Media Art and Entertainment,”in DIME 1st International Conference on Digital Media Entertainment & Arts, Key Note (Bangkok: Rangsit University, 17 November 2006).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Writer – Creating life through the act of writing,” in The Gen[H]ome Project, exhibition catalog, ed. K. Meyer and P. Noever (Los Angeles: MAK Museum of Contemporary Art, November 2006).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Writer,”in Bytes & Bodies – Von Realen Körpern in Digitalen Räumen, exhibition catalog, ed. R. Helwig-Schmid (Regensburg: Donumenta, 2006), 39.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Tangible, Audible, Playable, Wearable,” a-minima Actual Art Publication, no. 19 (Spain: a minima, 2006): 24-29.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Spacies II,” in Zerstörte Welten und die Utopie der Rekonstruktion at Kunstraum Dornbirn, ed. D. Buchhart and A. K. Hofbauer (Nürnberg: Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2006), 86-89.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Spacies II,” a-minima Actual Art Publication, no. 15 (Spain: a minima, 2006): 34-39.
C. Sommerer, “Phyllologia,” in Art Garden – Sculpture Park Austria, exhibition catalog, ed. N. Breisach (Ostfildern-Ruit: Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2006), 116-117.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Spacies II,” in All Digital, exhibition catalog, ed. M. Crutchfield (Cleveland: MOCA Museum of Contemporary Art, 2006).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Artistic Mobility in the 21st Century,” CIANT (Prague: 2006).
2005 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau,” in Digital Design of Nature, ed. O. Deussen and B. Lintermann (Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2005), 239-243.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Designing Emotional, Metaphoric, Natural and Intuitive Interfaces for Interactive Art, Edutainment and Mobile Communications,” COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS: An International Journal of Systems & Applications in Computer Graphics (Elsevier, 2005): 837-851.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Nano-Scape: Experiencing Aspects of Nanotechnology through a Magnetic Force-Feedback Interface,” in ACE 2005, ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 15th - 17th June 2005 Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain: 2005), 200-203.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Electroscope – International New Media Art Exhibition, exhibition catalog, ed. S. Quibin, (Zendai, Japan: Zendai Museum of Modern Art, 2005).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interface Culture: Interface Gestaltungen zwischen Kunst, Forschung und Anwendung,” in Mensch und Computer 05 Workshop Proceedings (Austrian Computer Society, 2005), 37-39.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Human Computer Interfaces for Interactive Art, Edutainment and Mobile Communications,” a-minima Actual Art Publication, no. 10 (Spain: a minima, 2005): 74-87.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve: Designing complex systems for interactive art,” in Art Research and Development (Rotterdam: V2_Publishing, 2005), 208-223.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Mobile Feelings,” in Artefact Festival 2005: Kunst en nieuwe media in Vlaams-Brabant, exhibition catalog, ed. Pieter-Paul Mortier (Leuven: Kunstencentrum STUK, February 2005).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interface Cultures,” in Hybrid Living in Paradox (Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2005), 304-305.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Designing emotional, metaphoric, natural and intuitive interfaces for interactive art, edutainment and mobile communications” in ARTECH 2005 Workshop Proceedings (Cerveira, Portugal: ARTECH, 2005).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Mobile Feelings,” in Cultura Digital, exhibition catalog, ed. K. Ohlenschläger and L. Rico (Madrid: MediaLabMadrid, February 2005).
2004 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Mobile Feelings – wireless communication of heartbeat and breath for mobile art,” in 14th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistance (ICAT2004) Conference Proceedings (Seoul: 2004), 346-349.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “From the Poesy of Programming to Research as Art Form,” in Aesthetic Computing, ed. P. Fishwick (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004), 169-183.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Digital Architecture and the Poetics of Computation, Metamorph, 9th International Architecture Exhibition Focus, ed. A. Picon (Venice: La Biennale di Venezia, 2004), 59-67.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “VERBARIUM,” in Emocao artificial 2.0. divergencia ste unologicas (Sao Paulo: Itau Cultura, 2004), 44-45.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “VERBARIUM,” in Natur ganz Kunst – Postitionen zeitgenössischer Gestaltung, ed. M. Faass, D. Buchhart and R. Joppien (Hamburg: Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, 2004), 54.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “The application of artificial life to interactive computer installations,” in BIOMEDIALE – Contemporary society and genomic culture, ed. D. Bulatov, The National Centre for Contemporary Art Kaliningrad Branch, Russia (Kaliningrad: The National Publishing House “Yantarny Skaz,” 2004), 255-268.
R. Lopez-Gulliver, N. Hagita, C. Sommerer, and L. Mignonneau, “Interfacing the Web: Multi-user, Multi-modal and Immersive Interaction with the Internet,” IEICE TRANS. INF. & SYST., vol. E85{D, no. 1 (January 2004).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Mobile Feelings,” in Feelings Are Always Local - DEAF Dutch Electronic Arts Festival, catalog (Rotterdam: V2_Publishing, 2004).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in NAVIGATOR International Media Art Exhibition, catalog (Taiwan: National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, 2004).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Digital Avant-Garde 25 Years of Ars Electronica, catalog (Linz: Ars Electronica 2004).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Mobile Feelings,” in EMAF European Media Art Festival, catalog (Osnabrueck, 2004).
C. Sommerer, “Lieber Peter,” in 05-03-44: Liebesgrüsse aus Odessa für Peter Weibel, ed. E. Bonk, P. Gente and M. Rosen, (Berlin: Merve Verlag, 2004), 54-55.
2003 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Modeling Complexity for Interactive Art Works on the Internet,” in Art and Complexity: At the Interface, ed. J. Casti and A. Karlqvist (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003), 85-107.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Mobile Feelings,” in CODE – The Language of our Times, Ars Electronica 2003, ed. G. Stocker and C. Schöpf (Ostfildern-Ruit:Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2003).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “From the Poesy of Programming to Research as Art Form,” in CODE – The Language of our Times, Ars Electronica 2003, ed. G. Stocker and C. Schöpf (Ostfildern-Ruit:Hantje Cantz Verlag, 2003).
2002 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “If we knew what it was we were doing it would not be called research, would it? Interview with Stefan Iglhaut,” in Science + Fiction: Between Nanoworlds and Global Culture, Artists and Scientists on Cultural Identities, Brain Research, Nanotechnology, Science and the Public, exhibition catalog, ed. S. Iglhaut and T. Spring (Berlin: Jovis Verlag, December 2002).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Nano_Scape,” in Science + Fiction: Between Nanoworlds and Global Culture, Artists and Scientists on Cultural Identities, Brain Research, Nanotechnology, Science and the Public, exhibition catalog, ed. S. Iglhaut and T. Spring (Berlin: Jovis Verlag, December 2002).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Modeling the Emergence of Complexity: Complex Systems, the Origin of Life and Interactive On-line Art,” LEONARDO Journal, vol. 35, no. 2 (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, April 2002): 567-575.
C. Sommerer, “Interactive Art: Where are we now?” in CyberArts2002 (Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2002), 70-75.
R. Lopez-Gulliver, C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interfacing the Web: Multi-modal and Immersive Interaction with the Internet,” in VSMM2002 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia (Gyeongju, South Korea: 2002), 753-764.
2001 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “ALife in Art, Design, Edutainment, Game and Research,” LEONARDO Journal, vol. 4, no. 34 (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, August 2001): 297-298.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Creating artificial life for interactive art and entertainment,” LEONARDO Journal, (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001): 303-307.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau, R. Lopez-Gulliver and M. Satomi, “IKI-IKI Phone – A Multi-user Alife Art game for Mobile Phones,” in Cast01 – Living in Mixed Realities Conference Proceedings (Bonn: Frauenhofer Institute, 2001), 113-117.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and R. Lopez-Gulliver, “IKI-IKI Phone: A Multi-user Alife Art game for Mobile Phones,” in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2001) Conference Proceedings (Tokyo: Waseda University, 2001).
L. Mignonneau, C. Sommerer, R. Lopez-Gulliver and S. Jones, “Riding the Net: a Novel, Intuitive and Entertaining Tool to Browse the Internet,” in SCI 2001 – 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics Conference Proceedings, (Orlando: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, 2001), 57-63.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Creating and Communicating with Virtual Life on Mobile Phones,” in SCI 2001 – 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics Conference Proceedings, (Orlando: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, 2001), 64-70.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Bits & Pieces: Shifting Boundaries and Different Realities, exhibition catalog, ed. T. Druckrey and Z. Davis (Hartford, CT: Joseloff Gallery, University of Hartford, November 2001).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve,” in L’Homme Transforme, Cite des Sciences et de l’Industrie (La Villette), exhibition brochure, ed. Joël de Rosnay (Paris: La Villette, 2001).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Riding the Net,” in Viper21 – International Festival for Film, Video and New Media, exhibition catalog, ed. C. E. Voester (Basel: VIPER, October 2001), 171.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “The Living Room,” in Bo01 – City of Tomorrow, exhibition catalog, ed. C. Åhlvik (Malmoe, Sweden, May 2001).
2000 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Modeling Emergence of Complexity: the Application of Complex System and Origin of Life Theory to Interactive Art on the Internet,” in Artificial Life VII Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference, ed. M. A. Bedau et al. (Boston: MIT Press, 2000), 547-554.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Modeling Complex Systems for Interactive Art,” in Applied Complexity – From Neural Nets to Managed Landscapes, ed. S. Halloy and T. Williams (Christchurch, NZ: Institute for Crop & Food Research, 2000), 25-38.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Creating artificial life for interactive art and entertainment,” in Artificial Life VII Workshop Proceedings (Portland: University of Portland, 2000), 149-153.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Modeling Complex Systems for Interactive Art on the Internet,” in MMM2000 MultiMediaModeling Conference Proceedings (Nagano, Japan: World Scientific, 2000), 237-254.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Designing Interfaces for Interactive Artworks,” in KES 2000 Knowledge Based Engineering Systems Conference Proceedings (Brighton, UK: University of Brighton, 2000), 80-84.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Giving Up Control – Interaction and Evolution in the Interactive Artworks of Sommerer and Mignonneau,” in Emergent Futures – Art, Interactivity and New Media, ed. A. Molina and K. Landa (Valencia: Institucio Alfons el Magnanim, 2000), 25-34.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “PICO_SCAN: using body data to create artificial life forms,” in AROB 5th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics Conference Proceedings (Oita, Japan: Oita University, 2000), 124-127.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Spacies II,” in Ars Electronica 2000 Next Sex (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 2000), 392-392.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “PICO_SCAN – interactive computer installation,” in 7 Hills: Images and Signs of the 21st Century (Berlin: Henschel Verlag & Berliner Festspiele, 2000), 52-53.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Artea sistema bizitzat hartua,” ZEHAR magazine, (Donostia, Spain: Arteleku, 2000): 38-44.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “LifeSpacies II,” in Microwave – International Media Art Festival 2001, exhibition catalog, ed. E. Pau and T. Kong (Hong Kong: Microwave, 2001), 8-9.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “LifeSpacies II,” in Media_City Seoul 2000 – Media Art 2000, exhibition catalog (Seoul: 2000), 128-129.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “LifeSpacies II,” in Living and Working in Vienna – 26 Positions in Contemporary Art, exhibition catalog, ed. G. Matt (Vienna: Kunsthalle Wien, October 2000), 206-209.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “LifeSpacies II,” in A Sparkling City–2000 Taipei County Art and Technology Exhibition, exhibition catalog, ed. W. Man-Ping and Rainn (Taipei: Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taipei County, September 2000), 73-79.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Industrial Evolution,” in Vision Ruhr – Art, Media, Interaction, Interaktion auf der Zeche Zollern II/IV, exhibition catalog, ed. A. Wirths and J. Shaw (Ostfildern-Ruit: Hantje Cantz Verlag, May 200), 166-171.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Haze Express,” in Outoäly–Alien Intelligence at KIASMA Museum of Contemporary Art, exhibition catalog, ed. E. Huhtamo and P. Rastas (Helsinki: KIASMA Museum of Contemporary Art, February 2000), 104-105.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Spacies II” in IMAGINA 2000 guide officiel: Le Rendez-Vous des Professionnels de l´Audiovisuel Numérique, exhibition catalog (Monte Carlo, Monaco: Institut National de l’Audiovisuel, January 2000), 41.
C. Sommerer, “Virtual Museums,” SPECTRA – A publication of the Museum Computer Network, vol. 27, no. 1 (2000): 80.
1999 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “VERBARIUM,” in Net_Condition – Art and Global Media, ed. P. Weibel and T. Druckrey (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999), 226-227.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Art as a Living System,” LEONARDO Journal, vol. 32, no. 3 (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999): 165-173.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Ars Electronica – Facing the Future (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999), 393-394.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “HAZE Express,” in Ars Electronica’99 – Cyberarts99 (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 1999), 92-93.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “VERBARIUM,” in Ars Electronica’99 – Cyberarts99 (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 1999), 52-53.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Ars Electronica – Facing the Future (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999), 393-394.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Spacies,” in Siggraph’99 Conference Abstracts and Applications (New York: ACM Siggraph, 1999), 170.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Art as a Living System,” in Siggraph’99 Conference Abstracts and Applications (New York: ACM Siggraph, 1999), 143.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and R. Lopez-Gulliver, “LIFE SPACIES II: from text to form on the Internet using language as genetic code,” in ICAT’99 9th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence Conference Proceedings (Tokyo: Virtual Reality Society, 1999), 215-220.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “VERBARIUM and Life Spacies: Creating a Visual Language by Transcoding Text into Form on the Internet,” in IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages Conference (VL’99) Conference Proceedings (Tokyo: 1999), 90-95.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and R. Lopez-Gulliver, “Time_lapse: an immersive interactive environment based on historic stereo images,” in IEEE SMC’99 System, Man and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings (Tokyo: 1999).
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and R. Lopez-Gulliver, “Time_lapse: immersive interaction with historic 3D stereo images,” in 5th International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia (VSMM’99) Conference Proceedings (Dundee, Scotland: 1999), 295-307.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Text as Genetic Code: Creating Visual Language on the Internet,” in CADE’99 Computers in Art and Design Conference Proceedings (Teeside, UK: University of Teeside, 1999), Appendix.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Spacies: a genetic text-to-form editor on the Internet,” in AROB’99 International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics Conference Proceedings (Oita, Japan: Oita University, 1999), 73-77.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Arte Y Ciencia – La Creacion en Todo su Potencial,” in Cyber@rt IV Muestra Internacional des Nuevas Tecnologias Tecnologías, Arte y Comunicación, ed. Á. F. Molina (Valencia: November 1999), 76-83.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Bienal Mercosul: Julio Le Parc, Arte e Tecnologia, ed. F. Magalhães and D. Domingues (Porto Alegre: Fundação Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, November 1999), 43.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Spacies II – instalacion interactiva de realidad virtual,” in Cibervisión 99: Arte Ciencia Nuevas Tecnologias: I Muestra Internacional, exhibition catalog, ed. K. Ohlenschläger (Madrid: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, November 1999), 42-43.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “La importancia de los institutos mediaticos de caracter interdisciplinario,” in Cibervisión 99: Arte Ciencia Nuevas Tecnologias: I Muestra Internacional, exhibition catalog, ed. K. Ohlenschläger (Madrid: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, November 1999), 34-41.
S. Garassini, “From Life to Computers and back: The Evolutions of Artificial Life,” DOMUS – Architecture, Design, Art, Communication (Milan: Domus Magazine, September 1999): 80-84.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Media Time: WOOD & BYTE: Festival delle nuove tecnologie mulitmediali, exhibition catalog, ed. M. G. Mattei (Bolzano: Centro Audiovisivi, September 1999), 56-61.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Phototropy II,” inZeichenbau – Real Virtualities, ed. M. Wolff-Plottegg (Vienna: Kuenstlerhaus Wien, Gesellschaft bildender Künstler Österreich, August 1999).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “HAZE Express,” in Cyber: criação na era digital, exhibition catalog, ed. R. Trindade (Lisbon: Centro Cultural de Belém, April 1999), 7.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Spacies,” in SMAU’99, exhibition brochure (Milan: 1999).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “HAZE Express,” in The Interaction’99, exhibition catalog, ed. I. Sakane (Gifu, Japan: IAMAS Academy and Softopia Japan, March 1999).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Phototropy,” in KAGE – Shadows, Projected Images HIKARI – Lights, Virtual Images, ed. T. Moriyama (Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, January 1999), 45-52.
1998 Publications
Cynthia Goodman, “Abenteuer im Virtuellen Wunderland – Das interaktive Universum von Christa Sommerer und Laurent Mignonneau,” in Der Elektronische Raum: 15 Positionen zur Medienkunst, ed. A. Wirths – Kunst und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH Bonn (Ostfildern-Ruit: Hantje Cantz Verlag, 1998), 162-173.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “The application of artificial life to interactive computer installations,” Artificial Life and Robotics Journal, vol. 2, no. 4 (Tokyo: Springer Verlag, 1998): 2:151-156.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Art as a Living System,” in Art @ Science, ed. C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 1998), 148-161.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Art and Science – A Model of a New Dynamic Interrelation,” in Art @ Science, ed. C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 1998), 7-23.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Gulliver’s Travels: Interacting with a 3D Panoramic Photographic Scene,” in ICAT’98 8th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence Conference Proceedings (Tokyo: Virtual Reality Society, 1998), 47-53.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Art as a Living System,” in Progetto Technoarte 1998: Interattivita-Interactivity, ed. M. G. Mattei (Perugia, Italy: Fondazione Umbria Spettacolo, 1998), 47-51.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in VIDÉOFORMES 98: Culture Contemporaine, Arts Vidéo, Nouvelles Technologies, exhibition catalog, ed. G. Soucheyre (Clermont Ferrand, France: Turbulences Vidéo, March 1998), 10-13.
1997 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interacting with Artificial Life: A-Volve,” Complexity Journal, vol. 2, no. 6 (New York: Wiley, 1997): 13-21.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve – an evolutionary artificial life environment,” in Artificial Life, ed. V. C. Langton and K. Shimohara (Boston: MIT Press, 1997), 167-175.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “The application of artificial life to interactive computer installations,” in AROB’97 International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics Conference Proceedings (Oita, Japan: Oita University, 1997), 11-15.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Arte Virtual: Realidad Plural at Museo de Monterrey, exhibition catalog, ed. K. Ohlenschläger (Monterrey, Mexico: Museo de Monterrey, November 1997).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Life Spacies,” in ICC Concept Book: Exploring the Future of Imagination, ed. K. Yahagi (Tokyo: InterCommunication Center (ICC), NTT, October 1997), 96 -101.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Media Art History – Media Museum of the ZKM Karlsruhe, ed. H-P. Schwarz (Munich/New York: Prestel Verlag, October 1997), 154-155.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve,” in InterAct! Schlüsselwerke Interaktiver Kunst, Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum Duisburg, ed. S. Dinkla and C. Brüninghaus-Knubel (Ostfildern-Ruit: Hantje Cantz Verlag, April 1997), 96-101.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Phototropy II,” in The Interaction’97, exhibition catalog, ed. I. Sakane (Gifu, Japan: IAMAS Academy and Softopia, March 1997), 48-51.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Kunst als Lebendiges System,” in Jenseits von Kunst, ed. P. Weibel, (Linz: Passagenverlag, January 1997), 468-469.
1996 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “MIC Exploration Space,” in Siggraph’96 Visual Proceedings (New York: ACM Siggraph, 1996), 17.
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and U. Yoshiyuki, “The world of art and artificial life by Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau,” Computer Today Journal, vol. 1, no. 71 (Tokyo: Science, 1996): 41-46.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “GENMA-Genetic Manipulator,” in Ars Electronica’96: Memesis The Future of Evolution (Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 1996), 294-295.
C. Sommerer, “Collaboration between the Arts and the Sciences,” in Ars Electronica Center – Museum of the Future (Linz: Landesverlag, September 1996), 120-125.
M. Kusahara, C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Art as Living System,” Systems, Control and Information Journal, vol. 40, no. 8 (Tokyo: Institute for Systems, Control and Information, 1996): 16-23.
P. L. Capucci, “Interactive Plant Growing,” DOMUS magazine, ed. F. Burkhardt (Milan: Editorial Domus, March 1996): 70-71.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Electra’96, exhibition catalog, ed. A. Esperø (Oslo: Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, March 1996).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve,” in InfoArt, CD-ROM, ed. C. Goodman (Los Angeles: Rutt Video Interactive, November 1996),
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Kunst als Lebendiges System,” in Softlife-Heise Online (Munich: Heise Verlag, September 1996).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Trans Plant II,” in 3D Beyond the Stereography: Images and Technology Gallery Exhibition Theme, exhibition catalog, ed. T. Moriyama (Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, April 1996), 76-77.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interaktive Echtzeit – Computerinstallation auf der Light Emotions in Hannover,” in Licht International: Planung – Design – Technik – Handel (Munich: Pflaum Verlag, April 1996), 206-207.
L. Falk, “The Brave New Worlds of Sommerer and Mignonneau,” IRIS Universe – The Magazine of Visual Computing (Mountain View, USA: Silicon Graphics, Inc., March 1996).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Ciberfestival 96: imagens do futuro, exhibition catalog, ed. L. da Costa and M. do Rosário (Lisbon: Forum Telecom, February 1996).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve – Evolucion Artificial,” in En entorno interactivo en tiempo real, catalog for ARCO 1996, ed. L. Ishi-Kawa, L. Falk and M. Kusahara (Madrid: Fundacion Arte Y Technologia, Telefonica Spain, February 1996).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve,” in ARCO’96: Feria International de Arte Contemporáneo (Madrid: ARCO / IFEMA - Feria de Madrid, International Contemporary Art Fair, February 1996).
1995 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Phototropy,” in Art as Signal: Inside the Loop, catalogue, K. Chmelewski, N. Goggin and J. Squier (Urbana-Champaign, USA: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Nov 1995).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve: an artificial life environment,” in CNIASE’95 Conference Proceedings (Venezuela: Ciudad Guayana, October 1995).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve,” in InfoART – 1995 Kwangju Biennale, catalog, ed. K. Hong-hee and C. Goodman (Kwangju, South Korea: Kwangju Biennale Foundation, September 1995).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Phototropy,” in Digital Mediations: an exhibition of interactive art installations, ed. S. Nowlin, (Pasadena, USA: Alyce de Roulet Williamson Gallery, May 1995).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve,” in WRO 95: Media Art Festival, catalog, ed. P. Krajewski (Wroclaw, Poland: Open Studio/WRO, March 1995).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Trans Plant,” in Imagination – Images and Technology Gallery Exhibition Theme I, ed. T. Moriyama (Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, 1995), Chapter 2.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Anthroposcope and Phototropy,” in ARTEC’95: The 4th International Biennale in Nagoya, ed. J-H. Martin and J. Reichardt (Nagoya: Nagoya City Art Museum, April 1995).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Intro Act,” in 3rd Biennale d’Art Contemporain de Lyon, ed. H. Destezet et al. (Paris: Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Biennale d’Art Contemporain, December 1995), 378-381.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Phototropy,” in Art as Signal, exhibition catalog & CD-ROM (Urbana-Champaign, USA: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Krannert Art Museum, November 1995).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in ArsLab-I Sensi del Virtuale, exhibition catalog (Turin: ExtraMuseum, October 1995).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Anthroposcope,” in Scultura e Oltre – 16th International Biennale del Bronzetto e della Piccola Scultura, exhibition catalog, ed. G. Franco, M. Francalanci and E. L. Francalanci (Padova, Italy: Palazzo della Ragione Giardini dell’Arena, Il Poligrafo, October 1995).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve,” in The Interactive Media Festival ’95, exhibition catalog (Los Angeles: June 1995).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve,” in Water, exhibition catalog, ed. K. Amano (Tokyo: O-Art Museum Japan, June 1995).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve,” in Interactive Media Festival, exhibition catalog, ed. T. Druckrey and L. Goldman (Los Angeles: Variety Arts Center, June 1995).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Phototropy,” in Oltre Il Villaggio Globale: Beyond the Global Village, ed. P. Berté and M. G. Mattei (Milan: Ente Autonomo La Triennale di Milano, Electra Edition, May 1995), 134-135.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Images du Futur – L’art interactif, exhibition catalog, ed. M. Ginette and Hervé Fischer (Montreal: Cité des arts et des nouvelles technologies de Montréal, May 1995), 30-31.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Phototropy,” in Kulturpraemie, exhibition catalog, D. Böckmann and J. Penndorf (Ludwigshafen: BASF, May 1995), 81-87.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Anthroposcope & Phototropy,” in ARTEC’95 – The 4th International Biennale in Nagoya, exhibition catalog (Nagoya: Nagoya City Art Museum, April 1995).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing and A-Volve,” in The Interaction ’95, exhibition catalog, ed. I. Sakane (Gifu, Japan: IAMAS Academy and Softopia, March 1995), 28-31.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Lab 5: International Film, Video and Computer Art Exhibition 1995, exhibition catalog, ed. R. W. Kluszczynski (Warsaw: Centrum Sztuki Wspótczesnej, April 1995).
1994 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve,” in Multimedia Grand Prix’94 (Tokyo: Multimedia Association of Japan, 1994).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Phototropy,” in Artifices 3: Mise en mémoire/Accés á la mémoire, exhibition catalog, ed. A. Duguet, J.Boissier and A. Perrot (Saint-Denis, France: Centre culturel communal de Saint-Denis, April 1994).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve: a real-time interactive environment,” in Siggraph’94 Visual Proceedings (New York: ACM Siggraph, 1994), 172-173.
M. Kusahara, C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve: How much do you love the creature you create?” ICC InterCommunication Journal, no. 10 (Tokyo: ICC-NTT Japan, October 1994).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Anthroposcope,” in ISEA’94 Catalog: The Fifth International Symposium on Electronic Art, ed. M. Tarka (Helsinki: University of Art and Design Helsinki UIAH, August 1994), 92-93.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “A-Volve,” in Prix ’94 Ars Electronica Golden Nica Award, ed. H. Leopoldseder (Linz: Veritas Verlag, July 1994).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Arte Virtual – Doce propuestas de Arte Reactivo, exhibition catalog, ed. Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (Madrid: Electa Edition, May 1994).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” ICC InterCommunication Journal, no. 7 (Tokyo: ICC-NTT Japan, January 1994).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “What is Life?” in ….. , catalog (Urbana-Champaign: NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications, 1994).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Ohne Autor, ed. A. Wagner (Salzburg: Galerie 5020, 1994).
M. Kusahara, “Interactive Plant Growing and A-Volve,” in Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, exhibition catalog (Tokyo: ICC InterCommunication Center, NTT, 1994).
1993 Publications
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Siggraph’93 Visual Proceedings (New York: ACM Siggraph, 1993), 164-165.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” ICC InterCommunication Journal, no. 6 (Tokyo: ICC-NTT Japan, October 1993).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in FISEA Fourth International Symposium on Electronic Art, exhibition catalog (Minneapolis, USA: ISEA publications, 1993).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in interActiva –Internationales Festival für Interaktive Medien, ed. A. Zapp (Cologne: 1993).
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Ars Electronica ’93 – Genetic Art Artificial Life, ed. K. Gerbel and P. Weibel (Vienna: PVS Verleger, 1993) 408-414.
S. L. Serfoezoe, “Genetische Kunst, Künstliches Leben und Super-Mario als Virtuelle Performer,” Das Kunst-Bulletin,Offizielles Organ des Schweizerischen Kunstvereins, no. 10 (1993): 16-19.
F. Bond, “Ars Electronica Award Winners,” access, vol. 8, no. 2 (Urbana-Champaign:NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994): 28.
P. Sancken, “REL Visitors from Abroad,” access, vol. 8, no. 1 (Urbana-Champaign:NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994): 34-35.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Interaktiivinen puutarha: Ill Vuorovaikutteisen taiteen näyttely – Interactive Garden, exhibition catalog, ed. E. Huktamo (Espoo, Finland: Otso Gallery, April 1993), 23-24.
J. Fagier, “Laurent Mignonneau – Regard d’écoles,” in Nouveaux Créateurs, Regards d’écoles (Atlante: CNAP, 1993), 56-59.
1992 Publications
P. Weibel, “Eigenwelt der Apparatewelt,” Rouge, no. 17, ed. W.E. Baumann and S. Grunenberg (4th ed., Frankfurt: Rouge magazine, 1992/1993): 12-15.
C. Sommerer and L. Mignonneau, “Interactive Plant Growing,” in Differenzen, Affinitaeten und Brueche, Zeitschnitt 92 – Aktuelle Kunst aus Oesterreich, exhibition catalog, ed. A. Spiegl, B. Steiner and I. Wurzer (Vienna: Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst, 1992), 192-195.