Kevin Blackistone (US)
Exquisite Corpus

When considering the bodies of ourselves and others we are most often concerned with the visual, surface components. It’s functional interior organs are usually, at best, ignored. When one is made aware, it is most often through negative concerns of personal health. For this reason, the lack of consideration is most often a comfort. Over the past century, the medical industry has dramatically improved our ability to non-invasively represent these elements, through imagery that, in a curious reversal, obfuscates the layers of which we most frequently aware – i.e. there is no race in a torso xray, or gender in a cranial CT. This work attempts to build an awareness of our inner sameness. In it, participant collaboration with algorithm elements merge layers of diverse bodily interiors, then interpolated into a 3D chimera of the human interior - an imaginary hybrid, devoid of the characteristics frequently considered definitive of our physical selves.